


Til fróðleiks:  Bók heitir Evolutionaries. Höf: Carter Pipps


In EVOLUTIONARIES, you’ll learn about:

•The three core characteristics of an Evolutionary.

•What it means to break the “spell of solidity” and begin to see with evolutionary eyes.

•How scientists are discovering that cooperation drives evolution—all the way from quarks to quadrupeds to us.

•The extraordinary relationship between technology, evolution, and the increasing speed of change.

•How evolutionary dynamics are at play in the “internal universe” of consciousness and culture.

•How worldviews evolve and what they reveal about the social and political tensions of our globalizing planet.

•The transformative truths at the heart of the new “evolutionary spirituality.”




When it comes to evolution, we’ve all heard about fossils and fruit flies, Darwin and Dawkins. But evolution embraces much more. Today, a movement of visionary scientists, philosophers, and spiritual thinkers are forging a new understanding of evolution that honors science, reframes culture, and radically updates spirituality. Carter Phipps calls them “Evolutionaries.” His  book provides the first popular guide to these exciting minds who are illuminating the secrets of our past and expanding the vistas of our future.

“A profound and profoundly important new work, covering the many ways that evolution has become an all-pervading and all-embracing worldview. With clarity and deep under- standing, Carter Phipps walks us through the great pioneers and their ideas in this extraordinary philosophy, making the book absolutely indispensable for lay and profes- sional alike. The very highest recommendation!”

Þróun / Evolution í sögulegu samhengi.  Sem segir frá því hvernig hugarfarið/hugsunarhátturinn hefur tekið umbreytingarstökk í sögunnar rás, á tímum þegar samfélagsþróunin, samfélagsgerðin og flækjustig samfélagsins hefur gert það nauðsynlegt. Sýnt framá hvernig þetta gerist án þess að neinn ákveður það, heldur kallar samfélagið það sjálft fram þó að einstaklingar fái það hlutverk að vera í fylkingarbrjósti breytinganna.  (hér rakin mannkynsaga í anda SD með áherslu á breytingartímabil, þar sem eitt meme tekur við af öðru.

(annars ekki fara mjög djúpt í SD) (sjá annarsstaðar á síðu þessari)

About The Author

Director film, tv, theatre active in Sweden and Iceland Consultant, facilitator


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